15 Pro Tips for High Converting Landing Pages

Many things go into making a high-converting landing page. But did you know that the way you format your text can also play a role in how well your page converts? You need an excellent offer, compelling copy, and an effective design.

The internet has changed the way we do business. It is now possible to reach a global market without leaving one’s desk. And with more and more people using their phones to browse websites, it’s also more accessible than ever to connect with potential customers instantly. But despite all of that convenience, there are still some basic rules for writing high-converting landing pages that every marketer should know.

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What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a single web page designed to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to take a specific action. That action could be anything from subscribing to a newsletter to making a purchase.

Ideally, a landing page should be uncluttered and straightforward. The goal is to make it easy for visitors to understand what you want them to do and give them a compelling reason to take the desired action.

Here are 15 pro tips to help you build landing pages that will convert:

01. Keep it short and sweet

The first rule of thumb for writing high-converting landing pages is to keep them short and sweet. No one wants to read a long, drawn-out sales pitch. They want to know what you’re offering and how it can benefit them, and they want to know now. So, make sure your landing page is direct and to the point.

If you have a lot of information to share, consider using an eBook or white paper as a lead magnet instead. This way, you can still provide prospects with the valuable content they’re looking for without overwhelming them with too much information at once.

02. Use strong headlines

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they land on your page, so it’s essential to make it count. A strong headline will grab attention and persuade people to keep reading.

Remember, your headline is not the same as your title. Your title should be interesting and keyword-rich, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be a complete sales pitch on its own. Your headline, on the other hand, should be designed to sell.

03. Write persuasive copy

The body copy on your landing page is your chance to make a case for why someone should do business with you. This is where you’ll need to be persuasive.

Some things to keep in mind as you’re writing your copy:

  • Appeal to emotion: Use language that evokes positive emotions like happiness, hope, and excitement.
  • Use active language: Write in a way that is active and engaging. Avoid using too many adjectives or adverbs.
  • Be clear and concise: Get to the point quickly and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

04. Use images and videos.

Images and videos can be very effective in getting your message across. People are more likely to remember information presented visually, so consider using photos and videos on your landing page to grab attention and make your offer more memorable.

You can use images to:

  • Showcase your product or service in action
  • Illustrate your point
  • Tell a story
  • Create an emotional connection

Videos can be used to:

  • Introduce your team or company
  • Give a tour of your facilities
  • Demonstrate how your product or service works

05. Use testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility. If you have satisfied customers, ask them if you can use their testimonials on your landing page.

When using testimonials, be sure to:

  • Use real names and photos: Don’t make up testimonials or use stock photos. People will be able to tell, and it will only hurt your credibility.
  • Use testimonials relevant to your offer: If you’re selling a weight loss product, use testimonials from people who have used your product and lost weight.
  • Use recent testimonials: Outdated testimonials can make your landing page feel dated.

06. Use social proof

Social proof is similar to testimonials in that it helps to build trust and credibility. But instead of using quotes from individual customers, the social proof uses data or statistics to show that other people are using and benefiting from your product or service.

For example, you might use social proof to:

  • Show how many people have used your product or service
  • Share customer satisfaction rates
  • Offer statistics or case studies

07. Offer a free trial or sample

You can offer a free trial or sample if you’re selling a physical product. This is a great way to let prospects try out your product before they commit to buying it.

If you’re selling a service, you can offer a free trial or sample as well. For example, if you’re selling a web design service, you could offer a free one-page website to give prospects a taste of what you can do.

08. Use scarcity

Scarcity is a powerful marketing tactic that can persuade people to buy. When something is in limited supply, people are more likely to want it.

You can use scarcity on your landing page by:

  • Offering a limited-time discount
  • Offering a limited-time bonus
  • Offering a limited number of products or services

09. Use a call-to-action (CTA)

Your call-to-action is the most crucial element on your landing page. This is what you want people to do when they reach your page, so it’s essential to make it clear, concise, and compelling.

Some things to keep in mind as you’re crafting your CTA:

  • Use actionable language: Use language that tells people what to do, like “Sign up now” or “Download our free e-book.”
  • Use strong verbs: Verbs like “download,” “sign up,” and “learn more” are more effective than verbs like “click here.”
  • Make it visible: Your CTA should be visible and stand out from the rest of the page. Use color, whitespace, and/or graphics to make it pop.

10. Create a sense of urgency

Urgency is another powerful persuasion tactic you can use on your landing page. When people feel like they need to act quickly, they’re more likely to take action.

You can create a sense of urgency by:

  • Offering a limited-time discount
  • Offering a limited-time bonus
  • Offering a limited number of products or services

11. Use powerful words

The words you use on your landing page can significantly impact conversion rates. So, choose your words carefully!

Some words to consider using on your landing page:

  • Free
  • You
  • Because
  • Instantly
  • Now

12. Keep Navigation Simple

When someone lands on your landing page, you want them to stay there and take action. You don’t want them to click away to another page on your site.

So, it’s essential to keep the navigation on your landing page simple. The fewer links there are the less likely people to click away.

If you have other pages on your site that you want people to visit, you can add them to your landing page after someone takes action. For example, you could add a link to your pricing page after someone opts into your free e-book.

You can also remove the entire navigation for a no distraction experience(before you opt for this, make sure all relevant information is on one page and your customer doesn’t need other pages to decide).

13. Keep Forms Short

The shorter your forms are, the more likely people are to fill them out. So only ask for the information that you really need.

Some things to consider when you’re creating forms for your landing pages:

  • Only ask for essential information: The more fields there are, the less likely people will fill out the form. So only ask for the information that you really need.
  • Use drop-down menus: Drop-down menus are less intimidating than text boxes, taking up less space.
  • Use placeholder text: Placeholder text is the text that appears in a field before someone types in their own answer. It’s a great way to save space and make forms more user-friendly.

14. Use Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people conform to the actions of others in order to feel like they fit in.

You can use social proof on your landing page by:

  • Displaying testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Showing how many people have used your product or service
  • Featuring customer logos

15. Use Infographics

Images and graphics can improve the look of your landing page and make it more visually appealing. They can also convey important information, like how your product works.

Some things to keep in mind when using images and graphics on your landing page:

  • Use high-quality images: People are more likely to trust a landing page that features high-quality images.
  • Use infographics: Infographics are a great way to convey complex information in a visually appealing way.
  • Use visuals to tell a story: A picture is worth a thousand words. So, use visuals to tell the story of your product or service.

Benefits of High-Converting Landing Pages

There are many benefits of high-converting landing pages. Here are just a few:

01. They help you get more leads and sales.

High-converting landing pages can help you increase your leads and sales. By making it easy for people to take action, you can boost your conversion rate and get more people to opt into your free e-book or buy your product.

02. They improve your brand image.

A well-designed landing page can improve your brand image and make you look more professional. This can help you attract more visitors to your site and improve your chances of conversion.

03. They save you time and money.

Creating a high-converting landing page can save you time and money. By making it easy for people to take action, you can reduce your advertising costs and get more leads and sales with less effort.

04. They help you stand out from your competitors.

In a world where everyone is fighting for attention, a high-converting landing page can help you stand out from your competitors. By making it easy for people to take action, you can make your business more visible and attract more customers.

05. They improve your SEO.

A well-designed landing page can also improve your SEO. By including relevant keywords and phrases, you can improve your chances of ranking high on search engine results pages (SERPs). This can help you get more traffic to your site and increase your conversion rate.

06. They make it easy to track your results.

High-converting landing pages make it easy to track your results. Using analytics tools lets you see how many people visit your landing page, how long they stay on the page, and what actions they take. This information can help you optimize your landing page and improve your conversion rate.

07. They’re mobile-friendly.

In today’s world, it’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly website. More and more people use their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. A mobile-friendly landing page can help you attract more visitors and improve your conversion rate.

What is the Difference Between a Landing Page and a Home Page?

A home page is the main page of a website. It’s typically the first page someone would see when they visit your site. On the other hand, a landing page is a specific page designed to convert visitors into leads or customers.

A home page typically has links to other pages on the site, whereas a landing page usually has one call-to-action (CTA). A home page gives visitors an overview of the site, whereas a landing page is designed to get visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for a free e-book or buying a product.

If you’re running a marketing campaign, it’s important to send people to a specific landing page rather than your home page. This will help you increase your conversion rate and get more leads and sales.

Do Landing Pages Increase Conversion Rates?

Landing pages can increase conversion rates by making it easy for people to take action. By including a CTA and relevant information, you can encourage people to sign up for your free e-book or buy your product.

Furthermore, landing pages can be used to segment your audience. By creating different landing pages for various campaigns, you can target specific audiences and increase your conversion rate.

For example, if you’re running a Facebook ad campaign, you can create a landing page specifically for that campaign. This will help you get more leads and sales from Facebook ads.


To conclude, landing pages can be very beneficial for your business. They can help you increase your conversion rate, save you time and money, and improve your brand image. If you’re running a marketing campaign, it should be a priority to send people to a specific landing page rather than your home page.

Looking for a Professional Landing Page Designer?

If you’re looking for a professional landing page designer to help you redesign your landing page, I can help. I specialize in custom websites, landing page design and have helped businesses of all sizes create beautiful, effective landing pages.

Contact me to learn more about my services or request a free quote.


What makes a high converting landing page?

There is no one answer to this question as many factors affect conversion rates. However, some standard high-converting landing pages include a strong headline, persuasive copy, a clear call-to-action (CTA), and an enticing offer. Additionally, making sure your landing page is mobile-friendly and has a fast-loading time can also help to increase conversions.

What are the 10 main pillars of sucessful landing page?

While many different elements can contribute to a high converting landing page, some key components include:

  1. A strong headline
  2. Persuasive copy
  3. A clear call-to-action (CTA)
  4. An enticing offer
  5. A mobile-friendly design
  6. A fast loading time
  7. Social proof
  8. Testimonials
  9. A sense of urgency
  10. Scarcity

How would you create a high conversion opt-in landing page?

When creating an opt-in landing page, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to increase conversions. First, make sure your headline is strong and attention-grabbing. Second, your copy should be persuasive and clearly explain what the reader will get by opting in.

Third, include a CTA that is clear and easy to follow. Fourth, provide an incentive or freebie to entice people to sign up. And finally, make sure the overall design of your page is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

What is a good conversion rate for landing pages?

There is no one answer to this question, as conversion rates can vary depending on several factors, such as the industry, the offer, and the target audience. However, a good starting point is aiming for a 2-5% conversion rate.

What are the key components of a landing page?

The key components of a landing page include:

  1. A headline
  2. Subheadings
  3. Copy
  4. Images
  5. A call-to-action (CTA)
  6. A form
  7. A thank you page

What does high converting mean?

A high converting landing page is designed to encourage visitors to take the desired action, such as opting into a mailing list or making a purchase. Many factors can contribute to a high conversion rate, such as a compelling headline, persuasive copy, and a solid call to action.

What is a hero area on a landing page?

The hero area is the main section of a landing page, typically featuring a large image or video and a headline and subheadline. The goal of the hero area is to grab the attention of visitors and persuade them to take action. When designing your hero area, make sure your headline is strong and clear, your images are high quality and relevant, and your CTA is prominently displayed.

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